Happy Friday to you all. As we near the six-week mark until we embark for the Playa, I wanted to pass along a few announcements.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Heroes & Super Villains will officially be returning to Black Rock City in 2016 at Effigiare between 6:01 and 6:29. We will have 200' of frontage along E, and extend 250' back towards F, as part of a double-wide city block. This is 67% more area than last year, and the most area HSV has ever been granted.
For those with us last year, when we were scrambling after being rejected for placement, I can't begin to tell you how great it feels knowing our return Home is secure. I want to extend a special thanks to C.J. Danns, a.k.a. Baby Bear, for all of his hard work in writing the application essays that helped distinguish HSV from the thousands of other camps applying for placement.
I also want to thank the handful of you that volunteered to lead an interactive workshop to gift to the greater community. We would not be here without those contributions.
As a placed theme camp, HSV has committed to providing interactivity beginning Monday. Our lounge and bar require three days of work. Therefore, it is mandatory for all members of Alpha Team to be on Playa to begin the build early morning Friday. The build team will work thru Sunday. You are advised to arrive to Reno by Thursday AM to get your personal supplies and logistics in order and expect to caravan Thursday afternoon to BRC with your early entrance passes.
If you are not on Alpha, you are on Omega. Omega has three divisions: Saturday Strike, Sunday Strike and Last Burners Standing. Saturday Strike breaks down large structures; Sunday Strike breaks down essential structures; Last Burners Standing sweep 50,000 sq. ft. of camp to return the Playa to its original condition. If you are leaving Sunday, you are on Saturday Strike. If you are leaving Monday, you are on either Saturday or Sunday Strike. If you are leaving Monday night or Tuesday, we need you for the Last Burners Standing. Omega Corps also works at least one midweek shift to help with camp maintenance.
Teams are close to being finalized. They should be released at the next communication. In the meantime, send any questions my way.
Finally, for veteran and virgin burners alike, I found this great presentation of what Burning Man is, what it means to be a citizen of Black Rock City, and how to make the most of your burn. If you are a virgin, read this ASAP. If you are a veteran, it's a great refresher on why we come in the first place.