Good day HSV Worldwide...!
We have officially received word on ticket sales, specifically for the one that applies to our Core Team. Have a closer read.
The biggest observation for me, is that the BMorg is making promises of fulfilling every request sent thru for this private sale.
So, it's time for everyone in our community to pipe in and let Rafi, Laurel or myself know.
Giddy Up!
Here's the email:
First off, a big THANK YOUto those who took the time to complete the DGS Survey that the Ticketing Team sent out a couple of weeks ago. There was an impressive response rate and the feedback was incredibly useful. Curious about the results? You can see them for yourself here!: We're excited about some of the changes that are being made and think you will be, too.
Thanks also to those groups who have proactively informed us about leadership changes within their groups. This is amazingly helpful! To everyone else: if there is a change in your leadership (are you no longer the right person to get this email?) please let (for theme camps) and or (for mutant vehicles) know immediately!
As the organizer of a Theme Camp and/or Mutant Vehicle we recognize your important role as the core of interactivity in BRC. We know you need time to prepare and organize your groups for the Directed Group Sale, which is why we wanted to give you this heads up about the Directed Group Sale. The Placement team and the DMV Hotties are busy compiling database exports of DGS candidates in good standing. While we know that basing access primarily on past performance isn't a perfect system, it has proven more reliable than basing access on future plans and proposals.
Here are some highlights that we thought would be handy for you as your start your planning:
o The Directed Group Sale form opens Feb 25:
o There will be sufficient tickets allocated to the sale to cover all invitations.
o Worth repeating: there will be sufficient tickets allocated to the sale to cover all invitations!
o We have simplified the invitation and registration process to be a single step: there is no longer a need for invited group members to come back and register themselves. Once you successfully list them as an invitee, they will automatically be registered.
o Your "seed" seat automatically counts as one of your groups invitations.
More detailed info about the sale and your group's allocation to come in the next week.
2016 ticket sales info is here and here
Please get your 'ducks in a row' now for the upcoming DGS sale.
Thank you!