Wasabi co-leads the year around production of Heroes & Super Villains, an officially registered Music Theme Camp at the Burning Man Festival, in Black Rock City, Nevada.
He is popularly known in the Burner Community, and by his closest friends in the 'Default World' as Wasabi Papichulo Oso.
Why you may ask? Well, you will have to ask him yourself, it's a fun story.
During his years bartending in South Beach, in the mid-90's, Wasabi had the privilege of working at the famous Cardozo Hotel Bar, as one of the bar's featured Mixologists. This bar continues to be and was then a 'mecca' for every Gloria Estefan fan in the world (Emilio gifted the hotel to Gloria as a fulfillment of a promise he made to her, in their younger years) and as such, it features one of the most famous Cuban cocktails ever... The Mojito, a particularly delicious and refreshiing Cuban rum cocktail that some believed was invented by Wasabi himself.
(A guy named Hemingway may disagree).
Over the years, Wasabi has continued making them for his wife Caro, and all their friends at every Soul Brunch on the Playa, sparking some seriously fun stories along the way.
"You can't write what you haven't lived" - Ron Seichrist