Hello HSV CREW!!!
I want to send a friendly reminder about the Toronto HSV get together that I’m hosting Saturday February 6th from 5-8pm. I will be chefing up some sort feast accompanied by music, smiles and lots of positive energy!!
I will be distributing the pendants to those of you who purchased one plus would like to get your feedback on your plan for BM 2016.
Kindly bring 4-5 pics of your last year BM journeyso I can send them to Wasabi for our website. If you cannot attend, please email them to me so i can forward them to him.
Feel bring to invite anyone you think would like some yummy food and a good time!! Just let me know so I can make sure there is enough food.
I look forward to seeing everyone and catching up on whats going on in your lives :)
Lots of Love Phil